Pray for Germany | 20 May

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Join our Partners in Prayer as we hear about and pray for the gospel work in Germany.

In eastern Germany, communism and the economic difficulties that followed left deep marks in the spiritual lives of the people. The Christian faith is reduced to the margins of society. Many people don't know what the gospel is all about.

Our workers in Germany:

Rich & Ali serve in Berlin. 

"We are seeking by the grace of God to bring the hope of the gospel in the light of Christ to Berlin. We are seeking to do this through pastoring a biblically centred church in the heart of the city. We are also active and present in the music scene in Berlin, building friendships and engaging with many who have little knowledge of Jesus."

Rich & Ali

Jared & Verena serve in Heilbronn.

"Our desire is to plant a multiplying church in Germany that is outward focused and gospel centred. Germany, once the birthplace of the Reformation, is a spiritual wasteland today."

Jared & Verena

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