Praying with ECM

We believe prayer is one of the most practical things you can do to support ECM missionaries as they seek to proclaim Christ in Europe. In the book of Colossians we see very active terms being used: both Paul and Epaphras are …wrestling ... struggling ... agonizing in prayer.

Here at ECM, we believe we are fighting a spiritual battle. We have missionaries throughout Europe who are on the front lines of that battle, defending and proclaiming the Gospel in hostile territory. We believe that, through prayer, we can be there partnering with them, strengthening and encouraging them with the love only the Lord Jesus can provide.

At ECM you can partner in prayer in two ways:

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As an ECM Partner in Prayer, you will receive monthly updates and prayer points from our missionaries and staff, so you can pray in an informed and specific way. Prayer partners will also invited to our regular monthly online prayer meeting where you can meet our missionaries and hear firsthand what ministry is like in Europe. You are under no obligation to participate or contribute but we would obviously greatly value your involvement at these events.

Sign up button

Upcoming Pray For Europe Nights 2024

Pray for Bulgaria 18th June

Pray for Albania 9th July

Pray for Italy 17th Sept

Pray for October 15th October

Pray for Spain 12th November

Pray for Portugal 10th December

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You can receive regular updates and prayer requests from specific ECM missionaries.

Simply head to our missionaries page and click on the person or family you wish to pray for.

You will then be taken their profile page where you will see a "Follow <Name>" button which will take you to a sign up form prefilled with their name.

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Sign up button

Your commitment to pray means a lot to us.  We cannot express how vital we believe this ministry of prayer to be...only the Lord can soften hearts and minds and draw people to himself.