Leaving a legacy that impacts eternity with the gospel

As Christians, we want to honour the Lord with our wealth (Prov 3:9) and put to work what has been entrusted to us (Mathew 25), leaving a legacy that will last. While many give sacrificially throughout their lives, have you considered that it would be possible to continue doing that by including ECM in your will? Through leaving a bequest, you can care for those closest to you and also invest in eternity – bringing the hope of Jesus to the people of Europe.

Did you know that if you do not have a valid will, the Australian government distributes your estate through a legislated formula that may not always reflect your personal wishes?

By including ECM in your will, you will be assisting ECM Australia in mobilising the Australian church for the re-evangelisation of Europe, by recruiting, preparing and sending missionaries. Europe was once at the heart of Christendom, now it is the most unreached continent on planet earth. ECM seeks to re-evangelise the people of Europe by planting self sustaining, gospel centred churches. In the last 10 years, ECM has been involved in 158 church planting projects and is currently working in 80 projects. You too can help Europe discover the love they have lost...

“Honour the Lord with your wealth.” Proverbs 3:9

Different types of gifts

There are four main ways you can include ECM in your Will. We recommend you discuss with your solicitor or legal advisor the type of gift that will best suit you and your Estate, and the specific wording required.


Residual back


Specific back


Percentage back

Whole Estate

Whole Estate back

Leave a Legacy of Love

Including ECM in your will has life-changing and eternal impacts. Your gift will be so much more than a financial donation—it will leave a legacy of love and make a lasting impact.

If you have further questions about financially supporting the work of ECM, please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you do include us in your will, we would appreciate you letting us know so that we can make a record of it.

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