Henk (Kike) & Hanneke (Johanna) Knol

Aliza, Senna, Yaella en Célia

“Many Spanish people are not familiar with the love and grace of Jesus Christ. We want to share our lives and our faith with them."

At the beginning of 2021, Kike and Johanna Knol and their four children moved to Palomares del Río, nearby Sevilla, to start a longterm ministry to spread Jesus' message of love, forgiveness and mercy. By living among the Spanish people as a Christian family and by investing in relationships, they want to let the Gospel shine.

Kike had his own car company, Johanna has a background in healthcare. Triggered by a strong desire to serve God full-time, they decided in 2019 to explore the opportunities by travelling through Europe in a camper, together with their four kids. They were on the road for eight months, a big portion of which they spent in Spain. They experienced a clear calling to serve there.

"Spain is a Roman Catholic country, where you find a lot of religiosity, but many people are not familiar with the love and grace of Jesus Christ", they say. "We want to respond to Jesus' love for us by loving others and reaching out to the people around us. By doing so we hope to reflect Jesus so that the Spanish people can get to know Him."

Kike & Johanna invest in:

  • relationships with people (believers and non-believers, Spanish and non-Spanish)
  • hospitality and being an OPEN HOME
  • building a community of people that follows Jesus
  • growth groups for men and women
  • bible study and teaching with students and individuals
  • healthy families and marriages through counseling and coaching

Sign up for their newsletter on this page to follow their mission.

Cross Cultural Workers in Spain
Country of origin
The Netherlands

With ECM since 2020



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