Pray for Austria & Italy | 19 August

Pray for Austria_Italy Banner.jpgWednesday 19 February 2025 04:16

Join our Partners in Prayer as we hear about and pray for the gospel work in Austria & Italy.

This is an ONLINE & IN PERSON event.

6-7pm Pray for Austria & Italy

7pm Simple dinner at the ECM office to follow for those joining us in person.

We will hear from some of our workers in Austria & Italy. Rachel Fuchs, and Richard & Pinnucia Wilson will be joining us in person as they will be on home assignment.

Register for this free event!


AUSTRIA: Most Austrians enjoy a comfortable lifestyle and have relatively few needs. ECM longs to see the gospel becomes relevant to Austrians again. Through church planting, church development and youth work, workers are seeking to show the invaluable worth of a life with Christ.

Our Workers in Austria:


After living in Melbourne for 7 years, Benjamin returned to his birthplace, Austria where he now works part time for ÖSM in the Austrian student ministry.


Rachel is serving in uni student ministry in partnership with ÖSM, the IFES Austrian student movement in Graz, south-eastern Austria.


Georg & Sandra and their 3 kids are Austrians serving in Austria. With the advantages of knowing culture and language, Georg and Sandra see this region as their long-term destiny, so that people may hear the gospel.

Mike & Esther

Mike & Esther are co-pastoring Salzburg International Christian Church, to love its people, and to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with both locals and visitors to Salzburg.

Ross & Shona

Ross and Shona with daughters Eden and Keziah are settling into Austria, learning language and uncovering culture. This is all to set them on a good trajectory for long term discipleship ministry in and around Dornbirn.

Stephan & Claudia

After completing their training at Sydney Missionary and Bible College, Stephan and Claudia returned to German-speaking Europe. Stephan and Claudia live with their four young children in Dornbirn, where both serve in an evangelical church as well as in interchurch contexts.

Sami and Maddie (candidates) are excited to return to Vorarlberg, Austria in early 2025 to apply all they’ve learnt at Sydney Missionary Bible College and during their time in Australia to God-willingly grow his kingdom there.

Doro & Benny

Dorothea and Benjamin live in the very west of Austria and would love to see fellow Austrians in the region come to know Jesus as their living hope.

ITALY: Italy is a country with many different appearances. There are many churches and a wealth of religious symbolism, but on the other hand there is much occultism and many have a very unbiblical lifestyle. A truly biblical message is scarce in many parts of this country.

Our Workers in Italy:


Richard and Pinuccia serve at the Evangelical Church of Rovereto, as well as helping the Evangelical Church of Trento. Richard also has a ministry using the computer, distributing electronic Bibles over the Internet and by other means, and producing electronic resources to help Italians to read, study and teach the Bible.

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