ECM News Mailout Day

ECM News Banner.jpgMonday 05 August 2024 08:58

ECM News goes out 4 times a year and is an important part of engaging the church with God's mission in Europe.

Meet Moyna. She teaches SRE at her local school and loves singing City Alight songs. She has been a faithful part of the team who come 4 times a year to the ECM AU Office in Croydon, NSW to help pack ECM News ready for posting to letterboxes around Australia and beyond.


Over the years this team used to have over 10 or so regulars that would come and pack ECM News and then stop and pray during morning tea for the gospel work in Europe.

This team is in need of new regulars. This is a great way to participate in God's mission to Europe by engaging the church with what he is doing in Europe through the publication of ECM News.

Upcoming dates:

AUTUMN 25 4th March

WINTER 25 275h May

SPRING 25 26th Aug

SUMMER 25/26 25th Nov

Want to volunteer?

Email us:

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