Guesthouse Project in Spain

Stand at the crossroads and look, ask for the ancient paths (Camino Antiguo), ask where the good way is and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. Jeremiah 6:16
ECM Missionaries Carolynn and James Webb along with their ministry partners, Mauricio and Karina Aldana are seeking pledges for their new guesthouse project - four years in the making!
The Casa Camino Antiguo “The Ancient Way House”will be a multi-purpose guesthouse catering to pilgrims who traverse the Camino De Santiago. The ‘Way of St James’(as it’s also known) is a network of walking tracks mainly through Spain, often seen as a spiritual pilgrimage. There are guesthouses along the way, offering affordable lodging and some run by Christians to offer hospitality and share the love of the Lord Jesus. The Aldanas and the Webbs are seeking to do the same. To make this project a reality they need…
- To raise $AUD701,500 to buy a property
- To find the right property
- People to partner in prayer
To read more about this project head to
To give to this project head here
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