Bostjan & Lidija Cifer

“Him we proclaim, warning everyone, and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” Colossians 1:28:

Our Story & Mission

After our wedding in 2014 we moved to Maribor, the second biggest city in Slovenia, to pastor a small Baptist church and to begin an evangelical student ministry in the local university under the national movement called Zvesh.

Our church is committed to placing God at the center of our lives and to grow in maturity by enabling everyone to develop their God given gifts. We are blessed with a caring fellowship of believers who love sharing the Gospel with unsaved people and who keenly support the campus ministry.

The campus ministry focuses on equipping students with the knowledge of Christ so that through transformed lives they impact the university and Slovene society for the glory of God. The campus vision comes from Colossians 1:28: Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”

Our time with AFES, is an opportunity to observe, learn and reflect on how we can create a more sustainable and effective student ministry in Slovenia.  In particular, we lack good organisational and financial systems.  Our time in Australia is providing valuable insights and skills to enable us to help build a sustainable Zvesh ministry for future generations. 

We would love you to partner with us in proclaiming the Gospel in Slovenia through your prayers and financial support.

Slovenian National Workers
Country of origin

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